
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Writing Update

Alright folks,
I hope you are all having a lovely week after a splendid weekend. Since you last heard from me, I have decided on where I am going to focus my writing at the moment. I thought about it a lot and decided to start working on my supernatural thriller/mystery idea. I have been working on the first chapter and trying to establish characters. Let me tell you, writing is not easy! Who would have thought right? (sarcasm)

I really want to use creatures that aren't used time and time again. You always see vampires, werewolves, etc. and so I want to find something different. That's were you all come in! I really want to see what creatures you all would like to see come up in a book. What creatures would you most like to read about? Please comment below and let me know!

<---- This is NOT what I want to end up with!

Don't get me wrong, I got my Twilight on back in the day, so no haters please, but I think we can all admit that Twilight is not really taken that seriously in society... I want my story to be a little bit more respected than that. : )

I have decided on a loose story line of where I want the story to go, I just need to do research on the supernatural and on the creatures in the story. I am going to start a Pinterest Board to upload some of my research that I discovered if you are interested in the subjects I find! I will also post some of them on my Tumblr!

Finally, I would like to give a quick shout out to Derek Whaley. He is one of my best friends in the world and is the author of The Light In The Water Trilogy. He is amazing and his success in writing and publishing his own writing is what gives me the inspiration to try out my own. So please check out his stuff because it would mean so much to him and me if he got some more publicity!

Well, I am going to let you go for now. I have had two cups of coffee and I am going to get to typing! I will be back with more info soon and don't forget to check out my other links! Have a happy day!

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