
Monday, October 28, 2013

Good, Better, Best

I hope everyone is having just a splendid day. This post is a little of topic from what I have been writing about lately, but I really wanted to share it with you guys. When I started this blog to try new things like art and writing (and everything else), I also started something that I didn't share with you. I decided not to share it because it was just kind of something personal that I decided I wanted to commit to and it became somewhat of a daily routine. 

I decided to get in shape! I don't feel like I have need to lose weight, I just simply would like to get in better shape and get healthier. In high school, I ran on my school's track team. I hadn't realized just how out of shape I had gotten through out college until I started looking back at old pictures. Then, I became horrified. I decided to try and go run then, which was an epic failure. I seriously thought I was going to lose a lung over the whole ordeal. So I made myself promise to go to the gym and get in shape. I began with just some stuff on the bikes and stair steppers, but I wasn't really getting the results I wanted. I knew I had to bite the bullet and start running again. 

I found a glorious running plan on Pinterest that ACTUALLY works! It is very easy to follow and really gets you in shape fast. You don't even realize how much better you are doing until one day you are able to run for a good distance without needing an oxygen tank to breathe. The plan is called Couch to 5K Running!

I wanted to share this with you all because yesterday when I got home form the gym, I really noticed a difference in my body and I realized what I have accomplished in just a short amount of time. I felt really proud of myself and wanted you all to have the same opportunity if you were looking at getting in better shape. It is working for me and I hope you have good success with it as well!

I will talk to you again soon, I'm off to the gym!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

You Mean They Have to Talk??

Hello Again!
I have not given you an update in a couple of days so I definitely wanted to go ahead and do that. I have been working on the first chapter of my book and figuring out different character's and what I would like to see happen to them. 

I'll give you a little preview of what I have so far:

The main character is a girl named Violet. She is from a small southern town where she hasn't been exposed to a lot. At the beginning of the book, she is heading off to her first year in college. She has two roommates named Laura and Heather. Laura is what I describe as a Barbie doll type. She is pretty and sweet. Heather is a gothic girl who is obsessed with ghosts and witches and basically anything supernatural. All three of the girls are very different, but they get along in a weird way. After getting to know each other and learning about Heather's obsession, they decide to hold a seance in their room. That is when the story really begins. 

With working on this first chapter, I have definitely found that the absolute most difficult thing is making up dialogue! You would think it would be easy. I have conversations every day. Why can't I just type what I would say? It is very difficult to make the words or conversation that is in your head come out on your computer screen and not sound stiff or awkward. Now, I knew writing a book would not be just super easy, but that was not what I thought would be giving me difficulty. 

Just to get an outside perspective, I have sent the VERY rough draft of chapter one off to one of my best friends to give me some pointer's. I have known Derek Whaley since the fourth grade. He is just now about to release his third book in The Light In The Water Trilogy.  I wanted to get his opinion since he has gone through exactly what I am now.

So far he has given me some great pointers. He also hooked me up with two different websites that have very helpful articles for beginning to write. I will just drop those links right down HERE and HERE if you would like to check them out for yourself!

One other thing I have been getting done is research for the book. If I am going to use myths and legends of things that others have heard of (in other words i am not just going to make up my own monsters), then I really want to get them right and know all of the facts and history surrounding them. You can check out my supernatural research HERE and you can check out the awesome ghost and haunting stories that I have been researching HERE.

So, that is where I am currently. As soon as I hear back from Derek with his comments, I am going to clean up my first chapter and start on chapter 2. Until then I am going to continue with my research so be sure to follow those Pinterest boards I linked above so you can see when I post new things!

See you soon! Oh and always feel free to comment on this blog with ideas, suggestions, or just really anything you would like to say about it! Thanks!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Writing Update

Alright folks,
I hope you are all having a lovely week after a splendid weekend. Since you last heard from me, I have decided on where I am going to focus my writing at the moment. I thought about it a lot and decided to start working on my supernatural thriller/mystery idea. I have been working on the first chapter and trying to establish characters. Let me tell you, writing is not easy! Who would have thought right? (sarcasm)

I really want to use creatures that aren't used time and time again. You always see vampires, werewolves, etc. and so I want to find something different. That's were you all come in! I really want to see what creatures you all would like to see come up in a book. What creatures would you most like to read about? Please comment below and let me know!

<---- This is NOT what I want to end up with!

Don't get me wrong, I got my Twilight on back in the day, so no haters please, but I think we can all admit that Twilight is not really taken that seriously in society... I want my story to be a little bit more respected than that. : )

I have decided on a loose story line of where I want the story to go, I just need to do research on the supernatural and on the creatures in the story. I am going to start a Pinterest Board to upload some of my research that I discovered if you are interested in the subjects I find! I will also post some of them on my Tumblr!

Finally, I would like to give a quick shout out to Derek Whaley. He is one of my best friends in the world and is the author of The Light In The Water Trilogy. He is amazing and his success in writing and publishing his own writing is what gives me the inspiration to try out my own. So please check out his stuff because it would mean so much to him and me if he got some more publicity!

Well, I am going to let you go for now. I have had two cups of coffee and I am going to get to typing! I will be back with more info soon and don't forget to check out my other links! Have a happy day!

Sunday, October 20, 2013


Ok, so I know this blog is about my creative journey and what not (and don't worry that journey is still full speed ahead), but I decided there was something I must share.

This blog is about me throwing it all up in the air and doing things that I love. It is about me not being afraid to be me. So I figure why not share with you other people in my life who I care about who do the same. I am not the only one who is allowed to share their "funsies" with you all!

So, I proudly present to you "Batman and Robin and the Case of the Ball Point Banana". No I have no idea what that means. My boyfriend and his friends bring to you the cheapest made and corniest Batman movie of all time. Yes, even more so than the old school Batman. You will not be let down by this masterpiece of entertain. BAM!

Here for your pleasure - Enjoy!

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Let's Get Writing

Well I went through my hold hard drive today and found all of my old pieces of very unfinished writing. There are three different pieces I started, and by started I mean wrote just a few pages.

First, there is a horror story. It is about a girl who is suffering from horrific nightmares of murder (etc) and those nightmares begin to spill over into her reality.

Next, I started a love story that is mean to span over a long course of time.

Finally, a supernatural thriller that I really have just idea sketched out for.

Honestly I have the most written already for the horror story and , again, by most I mean a few pages ha. I can't decide which I want to go with. Maybe I will just write a little on all of them. Any thoughts? All ideas are greatly appreciated!

Thanks for the support and I will be back soon with an update!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

How Do You Keep Your Feet on the Ground?

"How do you keep your feet on the ground when you know that you were born to fly?"

These are lyrics out of a country song. This, I know, seems super random, but I swear this is going somewhere. When I take a shower, I always put my laptop on the counter tuned into my Spotify. I do this so that I can keep track of how long I have been in the shower. Why do I do this? Well, it's because I am a broke recent college graduate who is very conscious of the cost of her water bill. Why don't you just use a clock you ask? I don't use a clock because who doesn't love to sing in the shower? So, on this particular day, I decided to listen to my playlist "Southern Girls". (Yes sometimes I like to get my country on) The song "Born to Fly" by Sara Evans came on and I really actually thought about the lyrics instead of mindlessly performing them for shampoo bottles.

From there, I began to think about where I was in life. Don't get me wrong, I am definitely happy with my life. I have an amazing family, great friends, a boyfriend I love, and of course the best puppy in the world!
See -------->

But if you had asked me my freshmen year of college where I would be upon graduation, I definitely would have given you something different from what is my reality today. I am a recent graduate and, let me tell you, finding a job IS NOT easy. I graduated in May and, now, in October I still don't have a job...

It seems like for a college graduate that all of the big important jobs that you had in mind all through school won't hire you because you don't have enough experience, but the retail jobs (or something else on that level) feel that you are "over qualified". So that's where I am; an unemployed college grad who is slowly running low on the cash funds.

I realized that all of those dreams I had and all of those plans never really came to be and honestly there really wasn't anyone to blame but myself. I never really went for them. When you are a kid, everyone is always like "yea, I am going to be famous one day." And mostly, that never really happens. It isn't really about being famous for me, but about being successful. I once had the dream of being an actor or working in films. I never really had the guts to go for it though. I also once decided I was going to write a book. I came up with several ideas, but never really followed through. Once, my mom urged me to sell my art, but I didn't have enough confidence in my work. And then, most recently, I decided I was going to start my own business, since I couldn't find the job I wanted, because obviously all new graduates figure they will get their dream job right out of college.

Here, in the shower, I realized none of my plans ever happened because I was actually taking the chance and trying. You always think, "Well I have plenty of time", but in the grand scheme of things we don't. I think back through everything and realize how fast time has already gone.

So here we are, all caught up to where my head is now and here is my new plan that I am going to force myself to stick to. I am going to try all of my dreams/plans and I am going to take you along on the journey, my creative journey. I think that Ashton Kutcher said it best in that video that went absolutely viral for about a week. I am going to just not worry about getting my "dream job" and I am going to take whatever job I can get for some $$$.

Next, I am going to pursue EVERYTHING! I have already begun dabbling with film which you can enjoy on my Youtube channel. To get involved with my writing, I am going to dig through all of the junk on my external hard drive and find all of those ideas I had started back in the day, and I am going to write on one of them a little everyday. For my art, I am going to listen to my mom and open an Etsy store. I of course will be a little more slow moving on this one because I am going to have to wait on an actual paycheck in order to get supplies. (However, you can view past work I have done on the pictures tab above and if you see something you like, don't hesitate to ask about it. I can always make replications.) Finally, I will begin a business plan for Events by katelyn hope. I am giving myself a deadline of three years to get everything for it sorted out and have it up and running! I have already started working on a website for it and as soon as that's ready I will let you all know, but for now you can check out the Pinterest or Tumblr to get an idea of what I am going for.

Now, you might be sitting here thinking "This girl is out of her mind" or "All of that is just unrealistic" and that's ok. It is fine if I am only successful at some, one, or maybe not even any of these goals, but at least I am trying and that is what matters! So PLEASE check back with me to see my progress and get updates on all of my endeavors. You can also find me on basically any other social media site which I have conveniently left links to under my about me. Thank you for your support, or at least for reading this post, and I will talk to you soon.

Wish me luck!